Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rob Reveals All!

This may have made your local newscast...

More than a thousand cyclists took part in the 2009 World Naked Bicycle Ride though London to protest global oil dependency, and I was one of them. I just couldn't resist the opportunity to ride naked though Picadilly Circus while throngs of tourists snapped my picture. I'm betting there were more photos taken of naked cyclists in London on Saturday than of Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square combined. So if you want to see a more revealing picture of me, I'm sure someone has posted them on the Internet somewhere.

I'm leaving London on Sunday after spending almost two weeks here. I've been doing a lot of cycling, and while it was thrilling at first to weave in between double-decker buses and taxis like all the other bicycle commuters here do, it's beginning to wear me down and I'm yearning to get out of city.

Maybe I'll head for Dover, or maybe for Cornwall. I haven't made up my mind yet.


  1. I REALLY didn't need to see that, but at least it was a diversion from exam scripts.....

  2. Je n'ai pas des mots! (in the best sense of the expression)

    Cheers to Rob!

  3. I knew I should be checking this blog more frequently....

  4. Oh, Rob! I really didn't need to see this either. Do hope you have a safe journey.
